7-Year-Old in Utah Brutally Attacked by Dog

As reported by News4Utah, a young girl in St. George, Utah, is facing many medical visits and procedures after a dog bit her nose off of her face in a brutal incident.

The victim, 7-year-old Grace Mampel, told her mother that she was going to pet the animal when it attacked her. According to the young girl, she approached the dog, gave it a hug and then began petting it. At that point, he placed his paw on her chest and would not allow her to get up. When she tried, the dog put another paw on her forehead, learned down and grabbed at her nose with its mouth. Mampel tried to get away, but the dog grabbed onto her nose even tighter and began to shake it as if it were a chew toy.

Since the brutal attack, which saw the dog taking her nose off of her face, the girl has spent time in the hospital and at multiple doctors’ offices. Due to the extent of the damage, she also has to see specialists in the Salt Lake City area.

Her mother, Destiny Mampel, said that the doctors will have to take part of Grace’s rib to rebuild the tip of her nose. The family doesn’t know how many surgeries the young girl will have to endure to repair the damage to her face, but it looks like it will be a long road. Grace is struggling with the emotional aftermath as well and has been having trouble sleeping because she fears the bandage on her nose will fall off.

According to Lona Trombley of the St. George police, Grace was playing with a friend in the friend’s backyard and she called the dog over to pet it. As described by the young girl, it quickly went south and ended with the animal attacking her. The dog, a black lab mix, has since been quarantined because it has no vaccinations and was not licensed. The dog’s owner has received a citation for having an attacking dog, and the dog will be monitored for ten days to determine whether it is vicious. If the dog is found to be a danger, it will be humanely put down by a licensed vet in the area.

Currently, the community in St. George is coming together to raise money to help the Mampel family cover the costs of Grace’s medical care. Grace’s mother is still in shock over the brutal attack on her daughter, saying she never thought something like this would happen to her little girl.

Dogs, even ones known to victims before an attack, can behave in surprisingly brutal ways, like in the case of Grace Mampel. A serious dog attack can also leave behind medical bills and emotional and physical consequences for the victim for days, months and even years afterward. If you or a family member has been attacked by a vicious dog, speak to an experienced attorney, like a dog bite lawyer Denver, CO turns to, about your rights and your case as soon as possible.

Thanks to our friends and contributors from The Law Office of Richard J. Banta, P.C. for their insight into dog attack cases.