Medical Mistake Attorney DC, Maryland, & Virginia
Medical malpractice is the 6th leading cause of death in the United States. Medical malpractice, by definition, is negligent treatment by a health care provider that results in injury or wrongful death to the patient. Medical malpractice covers a wide-range of areas, including failure to diagnose or treat properly, failure to properly inform of risks, malnutrition, anesthesia errors, surgical errors, birth injuries, hospital acquired infections, and emergency room errors. Each year, hundreds of thousands of patients are subject to these forms of negligence and are seriously injured or killed by a medical error.
In general, in order to make a medical mistake or medical malpractice claim, a few things must be established. First, you must show that a doctor-patient relationship existed. Then you have to prove that the hired health care provider acted below the accepted standard of practice in the medical community. This is a critical step in establishing a medical malpractice case and often requires the patient to present a medical expert to discuss what the proper course of treatment should have been. After negligence has been established, it must be proved that the negligence was the specific cause of the injury or wrongful death. Finally, the patient must be harmed by the negligent act. Keep in mind that the law varies from state to state, so make sure to check with a local lawyer.
Medical malpractice is severely underestimated by Americans and, despite popular belief, there are actually very few medical negligence lawsuits each year. If you or a loved one has suffered any form of medical error, do not hesitate in contacting a medical malpractice attorney. Because there are so many factors in establishing a medical mistake or medical malpractice claim, it is important to seek legal counsel right away. The statute of limitations on when you must bring a medical malpractice claim forward varies by state, so it’s extremely important that you contact a medical malpractice lawyer right away if you believe you or someone you know is the victim of medical malpractice. If you suffered from medical malpractice in Washington DC, Maryland, or Virginia, contact Injury Law Education Center, P.C. right away and speak with one of our medical malpractice attorneys about your case.