Car accidents are one of the leading causes of injuries and deaths in the United States, as a car accident lawyer Memphis TN trusts can attest. Though some car accidents are unavoidable, majority of accidents can be prevented if drivers obey traffic laws and drive with caution. Understanding some of the main causes of accidents can help you learn how best to handle or avoid certain situations.
Speeding is very common on roadways, but it can increase the chances of an accident by reducing the reaction time of both the car and the driver. In addition, other drivers may be caught off guard. It’s important to drive the speed limit in case something was to happen, such as a car in front of you stopping abruptly.
Drunk Driving
Alcohol consumption can impair a person’s vision, reduce their reaction time substantially and cause them to act unreasonably. This often leads to disobeying traffic laws, swerving and other dangerous actions that can lead to accidents. You should always plan for alternative transportation or rides if you plan to drink. In addition, all drivers should be cautious of drunk drivers on the road.
Distracted Driving
Drivers often multitask while driving. Using your phone, eating, or even engaging in serious conversations can take your focus off the road. This can lead to slower reaction times and careless actions that can lead to accidents. You should wait until you are no longer driving to do other tasks; if something urgent must be done, you should pull over and park in a safe space to do so.
Fatigued Driving
When a driver is tired, they often lose focus, experience impaired senses and may even doze off behind the wheel. This can lead to a driver causing an accident or reduce their ability to react and avoid a potential accident. Like drunk driving, fatigued driving should be avoided at all costs. If you feel tired while driving, it is best to pull over to a safe place and rest before driving again.
Unexpected Obstacles
Unexpected obstacles, such as pedestrian, objects, road damage or animals, may be in or enter into a driver’s path. Because they are unexpected or not immediately visible, collisions often result. Though a driver doesn’t have control of the obstacle, driving cautiously can help increase the reaction time and prevent an accident from occurring.
Reduced Visibility
Conditions such as fog, rain and snow can reduce visibility while driving. When you have an unclear view of the road and your surroundings, you should drive extra slow and cautiously incase anything were to enter into your path.
Slick Roads
Car tires can easily lose traction on slick roadways making it difficult for drivers to maintain control. This can cause the car to slide, hydroplane or spin out of control. When roads are slick, you should drive slow and with extra caution.
Tire Blowouts
Tire blowouts are very unexpected. It can cause a driver to lose control and swerve into other cars and objects. Tire blowouts can sometimes be avoided by proper caring for your tires. If you do, however, have a tire blowout, you should hold the steering wheel firmly, slow down and safely pullover.
If you think you have been injured in an accident as a result of someone else’s negligence, you may be entitled to compensation. Reach out to an attorney today to discuss your options.
Thanks to our friends and contributors from Patterson Bray for their insight into car accident and personal injury practice.