What is the Process to File a Claim for a Slip and Fall?

Slip and fall accidents can happen almost anywhere. As a result, property owners must be especially diligent in ensuring that they take measures to prevent slip and fall injuries. Despite actions that may be taken by a property owner, it is possible for someone to fall. Falling can take place anywhere: in a restaurant, walking around someone’s pool, sidewalk or driveway, at the grocery store or even an amusement park. If you have fallen and been injured and believe it was at the fault of another, it may make sense to contact a slip and fall attorney for their legal counsel.

Statute of Limitations

Filing a claim for a slip and fall has its time constraints. Statute of limitations is the time period you have before you can take action in court surrounding your injury. The statute of limitations can vary depending on the state where you reside.  The average time frame is between 2-3 years from when the injury occurred but, in some states, such as Oregon, you have as many as 10 years to file.

Medical Treatment

Immediately following a slip and fall injury, seeking the treatment of a medical professional will be one of the most important steps to the process. If you have been injured, they will be able to provide you with the care needed to start the process of recovery. Be sure to keep track of all documentation, as this will be beneficial for your attorney to have when assessing your claim. Documentation such as medical bills, recommendations and diagnoses provided by the doctor, including any X-Rays or MRIs that were had will be helpful in a successful slip and fall claim.

Slip and Fall Attorney

It may be tough to sort out where to begin if you are considering filing a slip and fall lawsuit. A slip and fall attorney will be beneficial in assessing your claim and determining what is needed to move forward. They can be helpful in a number of ways. In the event that it makes sense to settle out of court, an insurance company may offer a settlement. An attorney will be able to negotiate with insurance companies and attorneys of the opposing party so that you don’t have to. They will be helpful in keeping track of statutes dictated by your state and ensure that all paperwork is filed with the courts in a timely manner. They will even complete any additional investigation at the scene where the accident occurred if needed.

If you have been injured from a slip and fall accident, it’s possible that a property owner may be at fault for your injury. Consulting with a slip and fall injury attorney such as the Milwaukee workers compensation lawyers locals turn to will be beneficial, as they will be able to navigate through the complexities of the courts and prepare your claim in a timely manner, so that you have the best chance of being awarded compensation for your injury.


Thanks to authors at Hickey & Turim SC for their insight into Worker’s Compensation Law.