Firearm By Felon Lawyer
The simple answer is that the law says so and it’s an issue that many firearm by felon lawyers deal with on a frequent basis. Possession of a firearm by a convicted felon is a serious crime and can run the risk of not only state prosecution but also a firearm possession case that can be indicted by the feds.
Firearm by Felon Lawyer
Firearm by felon is a rather unique situation in that after you’ve been convicted of a felony, you at that very moment, have your gun rights removed. Meaning you can no longer be in possession of a firearm. Please remember, it’s not ownership of a firearm by a felon, but possession of a firearm. Meaning you can’t have someone else buy a gun for you and then say it’s not your gun.
The straw purchase of firearms can be prosecuted at the federal level and it’s an extremely serious crime. Our criminal defense lawyers are seeing a shift from straw purchases to people selling their guns to someone else and then absolving themselves of liability and reporting the gun as stolen after they’ve sold it. This provides the seller with protection while it’s already illegal for the person who is a convicted felon to possess it. They are probably thinking: what’s a person illegally possessing a gun to be upset about?
Firearm by Felon Lawyer
But if you’re caught buying a gun for someone else, please bear in mind this can be extremely problematic. Also, many people who have been convicted of felonies want to know this: does it just apply to pistols? The firearm restriction applies to every type of firearm one can think of. It is crucial you don’t go into a gun store either. Gun stores have cameras and the last thing you want is to have a video of you with a gun in your hands.
Possession of Firearm Lawyers
When it comes to being in possession of a firearm by a convicted felon, it’s best not to just assume anything about your rights or what will happen if you’re caught with a gun. It’s best to speak with a top-rated firearm by felon lawyer from a law firm like Garrett, Walker, Aycoth & Olson, Attorneys at Law, PLLC today. You want to work with someone whose law firm is focused on gun, firearm rights, and shooting cases and who will be there for you and your family during your time of need.